Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 15, 2014

hola querido padre! te amo bastante!

Well I got transferred this last week!  It was great!  I'm now in a new area in a city called Mante.  It's in Tamaulipas.  I was in my last area for 6 months.  It's a big change because here the land and climate are like Arizona, it's just not as hot.  Conference was great just a little hard to translate but I did alright.  The talks were so good, I really liked them.  I just want to go back and reread them.  The last week we were in the house because my companion had hurt his foot, but I cleaned our house really good!  I think Mom would be a little proud of the job I did.  My companion is doing better.  My new companion is Elder Martinez and no he is a different Elder Martinez.  We have a lot of Elder Martinez in this mission.  Nope I haven't been sick at all, my immune system is like iron and nothing phases me.  I'm doing great and feel great as well.  I talked with Sister Jordan last week and as I didn't have my glasses because they broke she told me she couldn't recognize me.  She asked me if I had tried contacts and told me I should because she said I'm a handsome guy!  It was pretty funny and cool to have the mission presidents wife tell me that I'm a handsome guy. 

That's another thing I like about you Dad, you have a lot of patience and are very long suffering!  Thanks for being like that.  Satan is really working hard but we are too!  The spirit was super strong in the 2 lessons we had.  We also had 5 new investigators yesterday!  Man it was sweet!  I believe that my efforts now aren't wasted and that they will have results later.  We are also very fortunate to have members that help us. 

I also had a pretty neat experience.  One night we were returning to our area from a different city and we went to buy the tickets but the lady selling them told us it was cheaper to buy them from the driver.  So we went to him and he told us to buy a ticket for a place close so it would be cheap and to give him 30 pesos each and it would be fine.  He told us to get the ticket because there are cameras on board the bus and so this way it would look like we had a ticket for our area.  He wanted us to be dishonest and do something wrong.  So I told my companion I wasn't comfortable doing it and I took out money from my own card and paid the full price of the ticket.  I'm so glad I did that because I feel so much better and I feel good for defending my integrity. 

Thanks for mailing the box and thank you for watching my account.  I'm really fortunate to have you for a dad!  Sorry for pulling so much money out.  I'm trying to avoid that but I only pull out money for necessities not for whatever.  I'll stay focused on the work!  Love you tons!

Elder Cammack

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