Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 15, 2014

Hola querida madre!  te amo mucho

Well the last week we were in the house the entire week because my companion hurt his foot but he is doing better now!  Oh I also have news!  I got transferred after being in Tempoal for 6 months!  I got assigned to a city called Mante in Tamaullpas!  It's about 3 hours from Tampico.  But it's pretty cool here!  It reminds me a lot of home because it looks a lot like Arizona.  It's a really big change going from my last area to here because in my last area it was all super green but here it's super brown!  Yesterday was so stinking cool!  We had 2 great lessons with investigators and we had 5 new investigators!  All that in a few hours.  It was super awesome!  The new investigators are all family and their names are Edgar, Karla, Martha, Flor, and Marlen.  So you can put them in the temple! 

Do your home or visiting teaching!  Really a ward or branch can't function without them.  It's way too much work for a few people to visit everyone.  It's a team effort, thanks!  I'd rather be positive and try to have a good week this week!  I know this week will be great!  Oh my new companion is Elder Martinez and no he is not the same companion I had before.  He's a different Elder Martinez. 

Thanks for telling me about the talk you heard that was cool, sounds like a great talk.  Everything that happened about America was planned by Heavenly Father.  We are very fortunate to live where we do!  After being here I know especially that that is true! 

I can't believe it's almost Mother's Day.  I'm super excited to see you all!  I'm doing good and will take care.  Oh and could you send me different recipes that are simple and healthy that I can make?  Also ones that aren't too expensive.  I don't want to keep eating the same things for 2 years haha!  Well we had transfers and yes I think I got transferred haha!  The weather here is like Arizona but not as hot.  Thanks so much for everything!  Love you much!!!!

Elder Cammack
April 15, 2014

hola querido padre! te amo bastante!

Well I got transferred this last week!  It was great!  I'm now in a new area in a city called Mante.  It's in Tamaulipas.  I was in my last area for 6 months.  It's a big change because here the land and climate are like Arizona, it's just not as hot.  Conference was great just a little hard to translate but I did alright.  The talks were so good, I really liked them.  I just want to go back and reread them.  The last week we were in the house because my companion had hurt his foot, but I cleaned our house really good!  I think Mom would be a little proud of the job I did.  My companion is doing better.  My new companion is Elder Martinez and no he is a different Elder Martinez.  We have a lot of Elder Martinez in this mission.  Nope I haven't been sick at all, my immune system is like iron and nothing phases me.  I'm doing great and feel great as well.  I talked with Sister Jordan last week and as I didn't have my glasses because they broke she told me she couldn't recognize me.  She asked me if I had tried contacts and told me I should because she said I'm a handsome guy!  It was pretty funny and cool to have the mission presidents wife tell me that I'm a handsome guy. 

That's another thing I like about you Dad, you have a lot of patience and are very long suffering!  Thanks for being like that.  Satan is really working hard but we are too!  The spirit was super strong in the 2 lessons we had.  We also had 5 new investigators yesterday!  Man it was sweet!  I believe that my efforts now aren't wasted and that they will have results later.  We are also very fortunate to have members that help us. 

I also had a pretty neat experience.  One night we were returning to our area from a different city and we went to buy the tickets but the lady selling them told us it was cheaper to buy them from the driver.  So we went to him and he told us to buy a ticket for a place close so it would be cheap and to give him 30 pesos each and it would be fine.  He told us to get the ticket because there are cameras on board the bus and so this way it would look like we had a ticket for our area.  He wanted us to be dishonest and do something wrong.  So I told my companion I wasn't comfortable doing it and I took out money from my own card and paid the full price of the ticket.  I'm so glad I did that because I feel so much better and I feel good for defending my integrity. 

Thanks for mailing the box and thank you for watching my account.  I'm really fortunate to have you for a dad!  Sorry for pulling so much money out.  I'm trying to avoid that but I only pull out money for necessities not for whatever.  I'll stay focused on the work!  Love you tons!

Elder Cammack

Sunday, April 13, 2014

I asked Elder Cammack what the white balloon thing was he said it was an inflated cow intestine.  He thought I would like it.  It reminded me of Troy when he send home snake skin in one of his letters!

He still has his crazy personality, it's good to know that hasn't changed!
April 7, 2014

Hola querida mama! te amo!

Well this week wasn't as great, but oh well it's in the past and I can't change it!  So I'll just work on making this week good! :)  Nothing interesting happened, it was just a lot of walking and sweating oh did I say SWEATING????  But it's ok I've got these trials for a reason I just need to figure out why.  My companion is flippin awesome!  He is definitely my best one yet.  We are doing so good together!  In each companionship there is something for each missionary to learn.  It's not just that one missionary learns and the other doesn't.  Each companionship has something special for both missionaries and it's great to be able to learn and grow from each other and with each other and that's the key.  You can't just leave your companion behind and keep progressing, you have to do it together!  It's just like marriage haha. :)  We had conference here in Tempoal but I didn't get to see part of the first session because of bad internet.  We didn't watch together as a zone here in the huasteca.  Conference was great!  I really liked the example of the Olympic games and our life here and I will be using it in all my lessons about the plan of salvation!  It was way cool they mentioned the Gilbert Temple and the celebration.  I need to go back and reread them because I watched it all in Spanish.  Leo is doing great!  He came to the priesthood session with us. 

Thanks so much Mom, I really love you lots!  Keep up being a stupendous mother!  Have a fantastic week and enjoy it.  Love ya!

Elder Cammack
April 7, 2014


Don't worry we got to watch all of conference.  The first session an Elder and I tried to watch it in English but the Internet had problems so we missed like all of it, and the rest were in Spanish.  I understood what they were saying and everything it just go a little tiring to translate after awhile.  I fell asleep twice...but for the most part it was really good!  It inspired me to do more and to be better and that's what I'm going to do!  I felt like my brain was on over load, especially with it being in Spanish.  I can't wait till we get them in the Liahona.  It was a lot of fun to go with you to the Priesthood session and then to dinner after.  We have to do that again when I get back!  The picture I sent that showed all the lights was a picture of one of the cities in my zone called Tantoyuca.  It is really hilly, you would not like it at all.  Sister Jordan said we need to start using our man purses but I like my backpack better.  The purse is good to carry stuff in but it brakes really easy.  I've had to sew it all back together because it came undone. 

Well this week was up and down, but mostly down...we lost 3 days of work because my companion was sick and because of conference and the results weren't pretty.  Right now is really hard because we are working hard and trying to visit people but lesson after lesson just keeps falling through.  I know it won't always be like this but it's been this way for a long time and I'd really like a change.  I'm trying all I know to change it but nothing is working.  The branch is also tanking and that is not good.  The members don't feel like working.  I'll keep doing whatever I can.  I just hope it changes.  Leo is fantastic, he came to the priesthood session with us and really liked it.  He'll progress fast!  Thanks for the prayers!  I really love giving blessings to others.  I feel a lot more confident now!  I know I just have to have the faith to lay my hands on their heads and all will be well.  I know you suggested to get the home teachers and visiting teachers involved but the problem is that there aren't any in this branch.  We are struggling to have the members of the branch council complete their visits.  We can't do everything alone, we need the help of the members but they don't want to.  They are too preoccupied with their lives and they are really prejudice for a lot of people because they believe no one wants the gospel.  So we are trying to fix the members first so we can have more success.  I do the best I can and we try to figure out why they don't go but they don't like to be very clear.  We are trying to get to the heart of the problem and not scratch the surface.  A lot of times I don't feel like I have any impact and that I'm doing a terrible job.  I'd really like a knowledge that I'm doing good. 

Thank you so much Dad, I love you so much.  Be safe and enjoy your week!

Elder Cammack your son

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Love this Elder!!!!!

March 31, 2014

Mi querido Madre

My new companion is great he works hard and obeys the rules.  We get along really well!  My new companion is Elder Benitez and he is from Culiacan, a city in Sinaloa.  My week was really good!  We found 4 new investigators and they are all great.  When we found one of them it was super cool!  We were heading to lunch and we met a guy who sells natural things for your health.  It's a company like herbalife.  He stopped us in the street and asked what we study.  I laughed and told him that we don't study and that we are missionaries and we teach people.  So we talked with him a bit and he asked us to pass by his house later that day at 5 so he could listen to us.  Then he went on his way.  It was so cool and we went by later to teach him and he is golden!  He has a sincere interest and wants to know!  We've had other lessons with him and when we got there for the second lesson he was reading the Book of Mormon we had left him.  He had read the testimonies including Joseph Smiths and the introduction and the explanation!  He asked us if we could explain what he read because he didn't understand it too well.  So we did and we read a little with him and it was great!  When we did the prayer he just told us he was going to do it and we hadn't even said anything.  He also has a baptismal date!  We left him with a section of the Book of Mormon to read and later in the week he sent us a text saying that he had lost his place and he asked us for the section again!  Investigators don't normally do that.  We also put a baptismal date with another investigator and she is excited for it.  The only thing we are struggling with for now is getting people to go to church.  Leo Delgario Animus Del Angel is the name of our new investigator.  We also found 2 other investigators, a mother and a son that are ancient investigators.  We gave a blessing to the Mom of the Mother and she accepted to listen again.  We also had a great lesson with her 19 year old son and normally youth don't have too much interest in religion but we totally explained things great and he understood it all and was really interested.

 I just want to be obedient, but  sometimes I feel like I get discouraged though and like I stop trying and that is something I don't want because I know it's really bad.  The language here is pretty easy too!  despues de algo de practica se puede hacerlo en su sueno!  mire mama no manos! :D hablando espanol es facil y divertido!  y ahora puedo comunicar con la mitad del mundo!  nunca voy a dejar de hablar espanol! :D jaja y ustedes no van a tener ninguna idea de lo que estoy diciendol! :D  hahaha good luck!  Thanks for your prayers!  The investigators are great!  Love you bunches and I know Heavenly Father loves you so much too!

forever love
Cammack Elder
March  31, 2014

Good evening pops!

My week was super great and interesting!  We found 4 new investigators and they are all great!  We also put 2 baptismal dates!  I feel like things are starting to turn around here.  My new companion is awesome!  He is Elder Benitez and is from Culiacan Sinaloa.  One investigator we found is called Leo and it was a little funny how we met him because he contacted us and normally we do the contacting.  He asked us what we study and I laughed to myself and told him that we don't study and that we are missionaries and we teach people.  So he asked us to pass by his house at 5 and so we did and the lesson went great!  He is golden!  We also found 2 others by giving a blessing and we talked with one of them who is a youth of 19 years and this lesson was so great!  I felt like everything went perfectly and he was really interested because he understood.  My new companion has less time out than me, he has been out only 6 months.  It's weird being with someone who has less time.  All my other companions had a lot more time.  He is actually my 4th companion and my 3rd one in this area.  The bar is high but I will stay above it!  I really hope I'm doing good.  Make sure you take care of yourself and be ok.  I love you!  Thank you for all your advice.  How can we get people to come to church?  This is the problem we have right now.  Thanks for everything Dad!  I love you.

Love you forever and more
Elder Cammack