Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17, 2014

Feliz dia de padre papa!

Te amo mucho!  Hope all is well Dad!  This week has been a little uninteresting.  My companion hurt his ankle and we couldn't really work this week.  But all is well now and he is okay.  I had another interesting experience!  My companion went with another missionary who had hurt his foot to Tampico to see a doctor and I stayed here with another missionary to work in his area.  With all that said and being outside my area too I was still able to do a little bit of work!  We were teaching a less active Sister and her friend in the area of this missionary and it turns out the friend lives in my area and wants to listen to us!  So I found a new investigator and she told me her daughter-in-law wants to change religions so we are going to visit them too!  It was great!  I know that the Lord kept me back in Mante for that purpose to find those people!  I'm grateful to be an instrument in his hands!  This experience really is awesome.  I love you Dad!  Thank you for being you!!!  Honestly being here has completely given me a new view and perspective and it has helped me to change for the better and become who the Lord needs me to be.  I'm by know means  done with the molding yet.  I still have a lot to learn and a ways to go.  I'm trying to do my best here and be the best missionary I can be.  The mission life is a very different one and a lot of times it is really hard, but know matter how hard it has been I have never given up and I never will.  I will keep working and try my best to do what the Lord wants me to do.  I know Heavenly Father will help me through it all.  These experiences really are amazing.  Looking back on them it's so cool to see how the spirit is guiding me!  Maybe my investigators won't progress well but I know I'm fulfilling my part by giving them the chance.  I think that before I thought that every family or person that I contacted by the spirit would automatically progress and everything would be awesome.  It is like that with some but I have to remember that people have their agency and maybe it will be that they won't progress right now.  But I know I did right.  When teaching I sometimes go into auto too because I've done it so many times but each person is different and I think a lot of people sometimes need to be taught in different ways and the spirit will help me to know exactly how to teach them.  We just have to keep trying.

Our apartment is more or less big.  It's comfortable and we have a water heater but we haven't bought gas for it right now because it is super hot and we like cold showers.  We do have an air conditioner!  I think it is a swamp cooler.  Oh and also President and Sister Jordan say hi!  We live on the bottom floor of a two story house.  Yes we do have plumbing!  I used my card for food, sorry I'm trying not to have to use it.  It's just at the end of the month sometimes it gets hard because our money is short but I need to budget better so that is one thing I'm going to fix!  Thanks for everything Dad!  I love you!

Elder Cammack

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