Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 2, 2014

Hey Dad!

Love ya!!  My new companion is from Torreon coahuila and he has been out for about 9 months.  I don't feel like I've been out a year.  It feels like less.  My new suitcase is great and should last for a long time!  I'm trying to have more inspired contacts now.  I want to contact the people that are ready.  We did have a neat experience this week!  We went to visit a family I had contacted and we saw them and they were all excited to see us because they said that the night before they had prayed for help because they wanted to become closer to God and the next day we showed up at their door!  It was great!  They all came to church on Sunday and loved it!!!  People don't understand what they are missing and it hurts when they reject it.  I'm trying hard to help people accept it but it's like they can't comprehend what we are saying.  Everyone here just thinks all churches are good and we all worship the same God so it doesn't matter what religion.  Nobody is willing to sincerely try and find out if what we say is true, there are some and they are progressing great!  Well things have changed a lot and I think it's gotten harder.  I'm pretty sure this work is the hardest I will ever do but it's also the most rewarding.  I'm glad that I will be involved in missionary work for the rest of my life!  Thanks for the advice I will keep doing that!  I'm trying to do more with prayer and study.  I've started getting up at 4:50 so I can exercise and start my study at 6:30 or 7 so I can have about 2 hours of study time.  It's actually helped a lot!  I'm trying to get close to the spirit but it's hard.  Thank you so much, love you and miss you Dad!  Thank's for everything!  Enjoy your week.

Elder Cammack

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