Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 13, 2014

Hola mi querida madre!

te amo!  My week has been pretty good.  As a zone last Friday we broke a record of finding 28 new investigators in 1 day!  The assistants told us that night that out of the whole mission our zone found the most new investigators that week!  It was super cool and it really helped the zone!!!  We are working hard to keep the missionaries excited and animated and working hard and we are continually getting better!  Tell Jeremy thanks for the prayers.  I'm honestly doing fine.  This area that we are in is just a little hard because the investigators we have aren't progressing but we are staying positive and we will find the way to work best in this area.  We worked pretty hard this week.  The investigators aren't doing so hot right now but we are trying to change that.  We are going to have a lot of success this week!  Another highlight is that we have steadily been increasing the amount of lessons that we have had where a member accompanies us.  This is a goal for us to have members in the lessons with the investigators and it has been steadily increasing.  Yes Mom make sure you are studying your scriptures every day!  It is very important to do that because by doing the small and simple things we can achieve miracles!  I definitely notice a difference in my day when I don't study the scriptures well and I know we need the peace that comes from reading them!  I want to send a message to the cub scouts that sent me a care package:  Being a missionary for me is something beyond special.  I don't have the words to describe the happiness it brings me.  Being a missionary doesn't mean being perfect or knowing everything.  It is representing Heavenly Father to his children and showing his love for them.  I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve my Heavenly Father because I love him and this experience has changed me completely and in know way do I or ever will I regret this decision!  Prepare right now for your missions and you will see miracles!  Heavenly Father loves all of you and so do I! 

Thank you Mom this mission really has changed me a lot and I'm really grateful for this opportunity!  I know that I am where I need to be and I know this church is true!  I have a testimony that missions are inspired of God and that they are essential.  I love you more than all the leaves I've seen here!

Love you bestest
Elder Cammack

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