Sunday, October 19, 2014

September 15, 2014

Hi Dad

I hope you are doing well!  I love you a lot and miss you!  This week was a lot better.  I'm doing great and we have had some success with investigators!  We have had a lot of problems come up though with a lot of our investigators.  We have to get them divorced from old marriages and then remarried.  It's a long process but we are going to do all we can to help them.  I'm so excited to get my box be sure and tell everybody thank you for sending me things.  I can't believe I'm going to be 20.  I honestly don't feel like it.  I feel like I'm still 18.  The good thing is that we never cease to exist so time really isn't a factor anymore! 

We have had some storms and some were pretty big.  It's been raining here for like three days straight.  There was no one at church because of the rain but we did have 2 investigators show up!  We almost always have ocean breezes.  It's almost always windy here which really helps with the heat.  I really don't have that long left but I'm not going to focus on that.  I'm going to work to the last second!  I really like the work, it keeps me busy and it's actually fun.  My body has gotten accustomed to it and everything is going good!  I really like being a zone leader.  This week we are going to have super splits.  That means that the whole zone is going to have divisions!  Awhile ago there was only one zone leader here in this mission.  They are actually thinking about going back to that in the next change and they are thinking about having the zone leaders train too.  So if that comes to pass then I will be pretty much a lone zone leader and training at the same time.  That should be interesting! 

You are a great father and I'm super grateful to be your son!  We have had to let some things slide to another day but that bugs me because they need to be done.  I don't like letting things slide because it makes me feel disobedient.  But we have so much we have to do.  It's really hard to fit it all in.  I feel like Satan is trying all the harder to get at me and it just feels like a constant onslaught from him.  But I know that he cannot win and that I shall be victorious.  Sometimes I get discouraged but I've gotten a lot better at that.  I've gotten stronger and I'm able to keep going forward and be happy too!  I will always pick myself back up and keep on running!  I will do my best!  Thank you so much for your advise!  Love you lots Dad!

Elder Cammack

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