Tuesday, March 3, 2015

February 9, 2015

Haha very funny Dad!

It's actually fun being a secretary!  My job isn't as burdensome as the financial secretary and the secretary to the President.  But I still get to work in the offices about 4 hours a week.  I'm in there on Tuesday and Friday.  It's great because I get to help out Sister Jordan!  I fill out insurance claim forms for when someone gets sick and I'm in charge of scheduling English exams for all the missionaries that are leaving in this change.  I also help Sister Jordan out with other little projects that she has.  Yep that's where the offices are and that's why I'm back because I'm the Health secretary!  Yeah I'm sure.  I got a good laugh too when I heard.  I guess Sister Jordan and I just get along really well hahaha.  Well I'm not sure what perks it has but I'm really grateful for the experience.  Well I don't go to the mission home, I'm normally in the offices and my companion is the reference secretary of the mission.  I'm not sure why they did but it was sad to go because the people there are so great and we were having a lot of success but I know that I'm doing what the Lord wants me to do!  Yes they put 2 new Elders there.  This week we really augmented the number of contacts we are doing and we will continue to do so.  We had an interesting experience too.  We were walking in one part of our area and we saw a man who was standing next to his car because it was overheated and so we stopped to talk to him and offer help.  As we got talking we were able to find out that he had a lot of friends who were members and he knew a little about the church so we invited him and he is interested in listening!  We had various experiences like that this week and it was great!  Yes a LOT don't know it.  The area here has a lot of potential.  Yes service works great!  Wow that is definitely true.  He is a machine and he never stops.  That's Kellston!  I'm excited to see them too.  They probably won't even recognize me!  Yes he is a great companion, he is from Torreon.  Thank you so much for your support Dad!  I love you more than all the gravy and biscuits in the world!  Dad how did you feel when you were nearing the end of your mission?  What helped you feel satisfied with all you had done?  How did you know that the Lord accepted your sacrifice and work?  Love you Pops!

Elder Cammack

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