Tuesday, March 3, 2015

February 9, 2015

Hola Mom!

le amo mucho!  espero que su semana fue Buena!  mi semana fue muy interesante!  tuvimos algunas experiencias especiales!  pudimos encontrar nuevas personas para ensenar!  estamos contactando a muchas personas!  Love you Mom!  We had a really good week and some great experiences!  There is a couple of eternal investigators here that haven't been able to be baptized because they aren't married and the brother can't get divorced yet.  But they gave us a reference of some family members of theirs!  We got to know them at a ward family night and they are really interested!  We had a lesson last week in the church in the baptismal font room and the spirit was so strong!  We put a baptismal date with them and they accepted!  They weren't able to come to church but we are going to keep working with them.  Their names are Alicia and Rodrigo.  Well you know that's a great question Mom.  Pretty much my job is to make sure that Sister Jordan doesn't get stressed out too much.  Every time a missionary gets sick and has to buy anything medical related I have to fill out an insurance claim form and send it to the company the church uses.  I'm also in charge of scheduling English exams for all missionaries that are finishing in this change.  I also take care of little projects that Sister Jordan want done.  I'm in the office about 4 hours a week on Tuesday and Friday.  It's a lot of fun!  I love it!  We were companions in Mante, he is also the secretary for the references of the mission.  Elder Facer went to Tampico.  It was a little hard because we got along really well and we were having a lot of success and things were looking really good but all is well because I am doing what the Lord needs me to do!  Don't worry so much Mom:D  Change is a good thing!  If we always do what we have always done then we will always get what we have always gotten.  That is a quote from Elder Bednar haha and it's true.  I'm glad to hear that you and Kim went to the temple.  I'm going to go through the 28th with a convert!  Tell Jeremy, Troy, Craig and Zac that I love them and I'm grateful to have them as brothers!  Way to go Mom, your doing great!  You have got some awesome goals and you are doing fantastic!  Something I learned her in the mission to help us accomplish things is this: Vision, Goals, Plans.  First we have a vision of what we want to become.  Then we establish goals that are like stepping or milestones to get to the vision and then we establish plans for how we will accomplish each goal!  Try  it out and see if it works!  It has for me!  Thanks for your letter Mom.  I love you more than all the stairs and hills I've climbed in my mission haha!

Love you bestest
Elder Cammack

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