Monday, March 2, 2015

January 12, 2015

Hola Pap!

le amo mucho! mi semana fue muy Buena y tuvimos mucho exito entrabajar con los miembros!  estoy muy animado por esa semana!  Hi Dad love you!  How did I know!  Gravy land sounds really sticky. haha  I'm sure when we are all immortal and perfect that Heavenly Father will let you keep on eating gravy.  haha  You'll be able to eat all the gravy you want!  No worries pops!  Just take good care of yourself and take vitamin C and be healthy and you will feel better!  I'm really glad you are improving!  Please don't over work yourself and if you need help or to take a break do it!  I know you do don't work yourself too much!  Yes getting healthy is really good!  It is never too late!  Set small goals and work for them!  I know it will help!  That is really true and I have seen it here on my mission.  Often it's the simplest acts of kindness that matter most.  We have really been blessed with a lot of experiences this week.  One thing we have been doing is before we leave in the morning we ask Heavenly Father to place at least one person or family in our path so we can begin to teach them and He has fulfilled his part!  We were returning to our house one night and we hadn't found anyone and just before we got home a member from a different ward stopped by us and gave us a reference just out of the blue of his Sister!  It was awesome!  Then another day we were going to a lesson with a member family and to our surprise we found 2 new investigators there that are interested!  I know Heavenly Father listens to our prayers!  Another great experience is that we were on divisions and it was a pretty rough day because it was cold and rainy all day and there was know one in the streets and so I remember saying a prayer in my head and I asked Heavenly Father to put someone in our path and I felt a little discouraged.  But as I was thinking a voice came into my mind and said not to worry and to follow my companion because the person we were going to visit right now would be there and we would be able to teach her.  So we get to the house and that's exactly what happened!  We were able to have a spiritual lesson.  The important thing that I learned from that experience is that Heavenly Father does listen to my prayers and He does love me.  The Lords church continues to grow and progress.  That's one of the things I love.  Thank you Dad, that is my goal.  I want to leave it all here in the mission.  My goal is to become so close to Heavenly Father and the Savior because I will need it throughout my life.  That is what I want.  I didn't come on my mission to have high results or something like that.  I came to serve others and help them and most importantly because I love Heavenly Father.  I want to increase that love and come back converted to Christ.  Yes I'm ok.  I just need to learn how to budget and be thrifty.  haha  That is another goal to have before I get home!  I'm trying not to have to take money out sorry.  Love you lots Dad!

Elder Cammack

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